Listen to “CHM027:Kid Chores and Homeschooling-Getting Our Kids On Board” on Spreaker.
In this episode I talk about kid chores and getting your kids ton board!
First I chat about some Fun Finds:
Kid chores are not the easiest systems to figure out- we have to determine what works for our family and needs at the moment. So I discuss Vicki Brady’s book , Steps to Successful Homeschooling, and some of her ideas about assigning chores (the weekly draw and the rotation system), and different ideas for chore tracking and award systems.
If you need some extra ideas about helping your children get on board with their kid chores, check out some of the companies I mentioned in the podcast. Also, here is more information about getting kids involved in cleaning routines.
- Choreganizers
- Accountability Kids
- Dave Ramsey’s chore system for kids
- PayDay punch card system
- Choretell
- Managers of Their Chores by Steve and Terri Maxwell
- Book review of Managers of Their Chores
Enjoy- and don’t forget to subscribe in Itunes 🙂
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