Listen to “CHM098:Homeschool Encouragement for Burnout Moments” on Spreaker.

Moms, are you in a season of homeschooling where you’re starting to feel “the burn” already? Homeschool burnout, that is. I’m feeling it- and it’s only the beginning of our school year! That’s why this podcast episode is all about homeschool encouragement and how I can help to build you up along your homeschool journey.

It’s another day of homeschooling for most of us- and I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter how much we learn about curriculum, methods, and philosophies, and where to purchase our latest educational materials, we still have to wake up each morning to face a long day of homeschooling.

I asked the Lord for some words of homeschool encouragement to give you for this day, tomorrow, and the rest of the week concerning homeschool burnout.

Words of Homeschool Encouragement for Moms

We all have those times in the middle of our school day when it seems:

  1. the kids don’t want to learn
  2. we don’t feel like teaching, and
  3. the day will never end

When that happens (and it most definitely will at some point in your journey), I hope this post will help you to remember that you’re not alone.

Here’s what I’ve found to be helpful on those days when I just don’t feel like giving it a shot.

Wake up to prayer.

You wouldn’t believe the tremendous difference it will make in your day when you wake up to prayer. First first thing seems to always work better for me- but something, as opposed to nothing, is also better if first thing doesn’t work.

I find that I forget things less, have less cluttered space in my head and clear out the needed space in my heart for my kids and what lies ahead for the day.

Prayer prepares me for the best, the worst, and everything in between.  Without prayer, my day begins to unravel fairly quickly and goes downhill from there.

Prayer is the key to success in life, in relationships, in parenting, and yes- in homeschooling.

Homeschool Encouragement Avoid Burnout

Remain in God’s joy.

The last bit of that piece that God gave me to share with you today is to remain in His joy.  We always talk about remaining in His love- but how about that joy, right?

Isn’t it hard enough to be joyful through a miserable bout of reviewing multiplication tables with a child who seems to hate math, or pushing a high school student through the dreaded algebra?

Yet, God still calls us to be joyful through it all.

Now, why would the Lord tell us to be joyful, and not give us the resources we need in order to be joyful?

The answer, again, is through prayer.

It is through our daily intimacy (connection) with the Lord that we will find our strength, our peace, and our joy.

For homeschooling moms, this is crucial to our success.

Once we get that joy in your heart, mama- remain in it.  God’s joy is there for you, always, and you can tap into that.

But once you tap into His joy, don’t let go of it.  Don’t allow the circumstances of your school day trap you into feeling defeated.

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.” Psalm 28:7

 That’s all for today! I hope this homeschool encouragement has benefited you.  Have a wonderful and blessed week- and remain in the joy of the Lord!

Show Notes:

My YouTube channel: Mom Zest

What is a Simple Homeschool? video

097: Homeschooling Planning When You’re Behind Schedule

096: Tips for Working from Home While Homeschooling