Listen to “CHM102:How to get into the Back To Homeschool Groove!” on Spreaker.
Today’s podcast is all about finding your motivation for a brand new year school year! I’m presenting three back to homeschool tips for moms of faith: all about how to get in the Back-To-Homeschool Groove!
But first, announcements.
I’m opening up the floor for guest bloggers here at the blog. If you know of anyone (yourself included) who would like to guest blog here at CHM, let me know!
Also, if you know of someone who made a great guest for this podcast let me know as well!
So, how do you get into the back-to-homeschool groove? Here are my top three bits of advice for you.
How to get into the back to homeschool groove:
Have a plan but don’t stress over it.
- Unwind and relax into homeschooling a bit more.
- Allow yourself the space to tweak your curriculum choices.
- Sometimes it’s fun to add in impromptu fun!
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Let God handle the hard stuff…and the easy stuff.
- Realize He is the solution to both the hard and the easy.
- Spending time with God is important. Finding time to pray every morning is super important.
Enjoy your kids! They’ll soon grow up.
- Kids grow up quickly. Take advantage of this time with them and enjoy them.
- Take lots of family pictures and video footage to always remember your family by.
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
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