Listen to “CHM125:Encouraging Homeschool Mom Chat with Tracy Kelly” on Spreaker.
This week’s episode is a lot of fun for me because I get to interview one of my favorite virtual homeschool mom friends, Tracy Kelly. Tracy is a homeschool mom of 13 years and mom to beautiful children- ages 15, 13, and 9 years old. Tracy and her husband not only homeschool their own children but have opened up their home and hearts to tutoring others’ children as well. They are an entrepreneurial family, running a few different side businesses- including a recording studio that her husband runs. Tracy is also a blogger at Homeschool Power and is actively helping homeschool moms find their way through homeschool choices.

Are you a visual person? I am super happy to introduce my video interview as well! (This is my very first time offering a video interview in addition to the audio podcast). You can watch our interview below. (It is the very same as the audio you will hear on Itunes and Spotify.)
What we talked about
- The reason Tracy decided to begin homeschooling
- Her homeschool style and philosophy
- What a typical day of homeschooling looks like for her
- Tracy’s least favorite thing about homeschooling and some of her challenges
- Benefits and reasons she’s decided to continue homeschooling after all these years
- A few of her favorite learning materials and places she finds great bargains
- Her favorite resource recommendations that represent her culture
- Suggestions and words of advice for new and veteran homeschool moms

How to reach Tracy Kelly
Instagram: @homeschool_power
It is always such a pleasure to chat with homeschool moms of faith. If you are a new homeschooler I certainly hope these Tracy has encouraged you to do what’s best for you and your family. Take a look at some of my getting started with homeschooling resources, then if you have additional questions about homeschooling, I would be glad to help coach you through them, and Tracy is available to help you as well.
That’s what homeschool moms do – we help one another!
Until next time…happy homeschooling.