On this swing of homeschool organization, I’ve found myself absorbed with getting my life back together (and all my homeschool stuff), so I’ve been traipsing around Pinterest for some interesting homeschool room ideas.
Needless to say, I’ve found some homeschool rooms that have totally knocked my socks off! I wish I had the time and energy to recreate some of these lavish, but highly functional homeschool rooms- but alas, I simply click from board to board on Pinterest, and enjoy the view! So…I wanted to share them with you. It’s my…
Top 5 Homeschool Room Ideas
**UPDATE July 2014: I have completely revised this post to give you some ideas about creating homeschool spaces without spending a fortune. I’ve also included links to fun rooms I’ve enjoyed over the years. Visit my Pinterest board for more homeschool rooms I’ve enjoyed.

Visit these 5 blogs for ideas
These 5 blogs (with a 6th bonus!) have been an inspiration to me- although I won’t say totally doable for me. But who doesn’t like looking at pretty? Check out:
- Homeschool Creations
- The Pioneer Woman
- Heidi at Mount Hope Chronicles
- Sam’s Noggin
- Heather at Timeless and Treasured
- and the bonus…Just A Night Owl
Traipse around these sites and view their current homeschool rooms to gather some ideas. It seems the biggest features to look for (besides pretty) is functional: like shelving, storage, and clear workspaces to fit your kids.
Also, check out my Homeschool Room Ideas on a Budget post for more information on how to set up your homeschool room for success.
Are you feeling inspired to reorganize? I know I am! What’s your favorite room? Leave me a comment below 🙂