Listen to “CHM124:Homeschooling When Things Get Tough” on Spreaker.
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HI, friends, on this episode I’ll be sharing about what it’s like to homeschool through the tough times. Homeschooling is not an easy feat, and I understand the sacrifices we are going through and the things we have given up in order to be available for our children and their education. It’s inevitable that things will get tough, whether you’re a newbie or veteran. However, there is hope for the hard times. In this podcast episode, I aim to support you by helping you see the good in what you have chosen to do with your kids.
Be willing to be unique
Choosing to homeschool requires some real guts. We have to be able to stand our ground and answer the questions of people who don’t understand what it is we’re doing with our kids. Sometimes we have to educate other people who have no clue what homeschooling actually is. And if you live in an area where homeschooling isn’t common, you might get raised eyebrows from time to time.
However, stand your ground, be willing to stand out and be unique, and be ready to give the answers about your homeschooling choice that feels most comfortable for you.
Remember why you started
Can you think of anything that improved since you began homeschooling? Think of the safety of your children, how much better they’ve become with time management or completing lessons. Think about how much they have benefited from not having to clock in to a laborious school day. Think about the flexibility they have in their schedules.
Take some time to look at the list you may have created of reasons to begin homeschooling. Remind yourself of why you started and remember that your children are improving.
Embrace your today
There is nothing quite like today. You can step back into tomorrow, and certainly cannot tell your future. But you need to live in today. Your kids will be happier if you take today by the reigns and give it all you’ve got. Learn to love the moments you’re in and reflect on your many blessings.
With a heart of gratitude, you’re certain to want to keep pushing forward in homeschooling. The more you stay consistent and hold the tow, the easier it will be to wake up each day to a new day of purpose with your kids.
It does get easier, but I also promise that it can get harder in other aspects too. But just hold the line, keep praying, keep believing in your family and what’s best for your kids.
You can do this! Check out my Homeschool Boss Mama Goal Planner for more help planning out your homeschool.
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast
- Addressing Homeschool Division podcast episode
- Plan your goals and grab your free homeschool planner and planning audio here
- The Homeschool Boom by Lance Izumi
- Leave a review in Itunes