Listen to “CHM107:Biblical Feasts and Hanukkah with Dianna Wiebe of Grapevine Studies” on Spreaker.

This week’s podcast interview is with Dianna Wiebe! As promised in last week’s episode, I wanted to do a recap on a guest I’ve had on this show previously. Dianna offers us a fresh and unique look at why biblical feasts are relevant to our understanding of biblical history. We even got to talk about Hanukkah!

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Dianna has been a guest on the Christian Homeschool Moms Podcast before in 2014. (You can listen to episode 067 here).

Biblical Feasts and Hannukah with Grapevine Studies

In that episode, she shared why she began Grapevine Studies and how it came to fruition, the purpose of stick-figuring through the bible, how to use Grapevine to teach the bible in large families and special needs kids, as well as Grapevine’s stance on discipleship.

On today’s show, however, we’re going to be digging deeper into holiday-themed programs she offers through Grapevine Studies.

This show is relevant to my personal family life since we have been intrigued with biblical holidays and feasts for many years now. From playing the dreidel game and taking a closer look at Hanukkah, creating a fun Purim feast, to celebrating simple Passover seders in our home, we have been deeply considering what these biblical holidays should mean for the new covenant believer.

More about Biblical Feasts and Grapevine Studies

  • What Grapevine studies is and how it is a different approach to bible study with kids. We discuss what makes it so different from other bible study programs.
  • Why the observation of many biblical feasts has become nearly obsolete amongst the Christian community today
  • The importance of biblical feasts and the benefits of learning about them and teaching them to our children
  • What Hanukkah is about and how Grapevine Studies presents it in lessons
  • Encouragement and word of advice for moms who are discouraged about teaching your kids the bible
Diana Wiebe of Grapevine Studies

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