by Demetria | Apr 4, 2023 | Encouragement, Mompreneur, podcast
Listen to “CHM 143: The Homeschool Mompreneur's Guide to Business Balance (+ my entrepreneur startup story)” on Spreaker. Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases that you make through my partner links will support the...
by Demetria | Feb 2, 2023 | Christian Homeschool M..., Encouragement, Homeschooling, Mompreneur, podcast
Like what you hear? Support the podcast by buying me a coffee.☕😊 Listen to “CHM141: Raising Entrepreneurial Kids with Tamara Zantell of Raising a Mogul, LLC” on Spreaker. This week, I truly enjoyed talking to Tamara Zantell, founder of Raising a Mogul,...
by Demetria | Apr 21, 2020 | Blog, Mompreneur
I have been working from home as a web designer and content marketing strategist for 16 years now- all while homeschooling my girls and attempting to run my home. It hasn’t been a perfect performance, by any means, but the reality is: the lifestyle is possible and...
by Demetria | Apr 8, 2017 | Mompreneur, podcast
Listen to “CHM096:Tips for Working While Homeschooling” on Spreaker. This year things are looking different for our family since I’ve decided to relaunch my business coaching for mompreneurs. A few things have had to change in our routines...
by Demetria | Nov 28, 2016 | Blog, Encouragement, Mompreneur
Are you a homeschool mom that’s trying to figure out how to manage homeschooling while working? In this post, I’m coming from the perspective of a solopreneur (or mompreneur- as I like to call it). If you work outside of the home, your experience...